The Black Forest is the largest contiguous low mountain range in Germany. It stretches from Pforzheim in the north to Basel in the south over a length of 150 kilometres. The distance from west to east is between 30 and 50 kilometres. The northern part of the Black Forest and the somewhat lower central part belong to the largest nature park in Germany, the Black Forest Central/North Nature Park, which covers 3750 km².
Before people first colonised the Black Forest near Neuenbürg from around 2500 BC, the Black Forest was a single continuous forest area. In the Middle Ages, the Black Forest began to be developed and farmland was created on the plateaus through clearing, which is still typical of the northern Black Forest today. Just like the orchards with old fruit varieties that are very common in the Calw district. Thanks to the abundance of timber, the Black Forest enjoyed its economic heyday during the Industrial Revolution. Mining and rafting are the dominant industries in the Black Forest. After the decline of the traditional Black Forest industries, tourism gradually developed into the main source of income in the Black Forest.
You can find more information on www.naturparkschwarzwald.de